You know what you want, and what you deserve. It’s not that you forget, you just put it in the back of your mind time and time again. You’ve been conditioned to believe that the approval is outside of yourself and that validation comes from the other. From another.. You didn’t realize that the only validation index was within self. You didn’t realize that you had the power that they all wanted. You didn’t realize how easily you gave it away.
Why didn’t you stop to think, that the key to peace was in your hand the whole time? Your perspective and your truth has the power to transform your world and has the power to minimize any limitations. But you refuse to use that power to set yourself free.
Always hold on to and protect that power, because the minute you go outside of yourself you stumble.. You have everything you will ever need within you, and keeping that in mind is an overwhelming responsibility. Others have used your own power to mold you and to limit you. Take it back. Just stay focused you. Just stay focused on your power. Just remember that it starts with you.