Sweet Home.

When you’re asked where ‘home’ is, what comes to mind? Don’t answer just yet. Hear me out…

Is home a place or a person for you? Is it when your heart feels swollen with gratitude? Or in those quiet moments where you can count your own heartbeat? Maybe it’s when you look around and can feel a sense of belonging. Perhaps it’s when you feel grounded, no matter how high you are. Do you feel at home during those weeks when you wipe your own tears, and soothe yourself to sleep? Maybe you’re at home when you take care of self. When you take time.

You are home.  It’s when your center is nowhere else.  But why has it taken so long for us to realize?  Avoidance, maybe? Let’s each decide that truth in our moments of stillness.

For years, home was someone or something else. Right? Your security was ‘out there’ somewhere. Outside of you. For years home was inconsistent. Home was fleeting. Home was never fully as committed as you needed. For years home caused anxiety and doubt. It caused confusion and half-hearted comfort. Home lacked solace. It never honored individuality or growth. Home was control. Home was the newest trend, and it was acceptance from others. Home was some arbitrary finish line. Home was someone else’s dream for you. And in all ways, home always fell short. 

You are home. With all of your beauty wrapped in pain, fear and doubt, home will always be within you.  You are home when you say ‘enough,’ and move forward gracefully. You don’t have to look anywhere else. Home is where you practice forgiveness. When you allow authenticity to beam. Home is where you create space. Space to mess up. Space to fail forward.

Within your own embrace. Home is already right here. 

So, have you made it home yet?